President Maithripala Sirisena’s State Visit to Qatar

29 10 2017 hevisitqatar

At the invitation of the Emir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, President Maithripala Sirisena undertook a two-day State visit to the State of Qatar, on 25-26 October 2017.  

President Sirisena was received at the Emiri Diwan by Emir Hamad Al Thani, followed by a ceremonial guard of honour, and bilateral discussions. Both leaders recalled the long-standing friendly relations between the two countries, and their own meetings in 2015 during Emir Al Thani’s visit to Sri Lanka, and at other international fora, which have contributed to the further consolidation of bilateral relations. They highlighted the importance of the exchange of visits, and expressed confidence that the State Visit of President Sirisena would enhance bilateral political, economic and trade ties.


Statement by Sri Lanka on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Regional Parliament of Catalonia

29 10 2017 statement

Sri Lanka and Spain enjoy an enduring friendship, and Sri Lanka considers Spain as an important member in Sri Lanka’s partnership with the European Union.  

The Government of Sri Lanka unequivocally supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Spain, and considers Catalonia as an integral part of Spain. The Government of Sri Lanka urges the pursuit of dialogue for a united Spain in accordance with the rule of law, and within the Spanish constitutional framework.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
28 October 2017

Visit of Hon. Karu Jayasuriya, Speaker and delegation to Russia to participate in the 137th Inter Parliamentary Union Assembly held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

23 10 2017 honspeakerpic1

A parliamentary delegation led by the Hon. Karu Jayasuriya, Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka paid an official visit to St. Petersburg, Russia to participate in the 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly, held from 14-18, October 2017.

The Sri Lankan delegation also included Hon. Thalatha Atukorale, Minister of Foreign Employment and Minister of Justice, Hon. Lakshman Senewiratne, State Minister of Science, Technology and Research, Hon. Mavai S. Senathirajah, Member of Parliament, Mr. Dhammika Dasanayake, Secretary-General of Parliament, and the Chief of Protocol of the Parliament Mr. Upali Kumarasinghe. The delegation was also joined by His Excellency Dr. Saman Weerasinghe, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Russia and Mr. Dulmith Waruna, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Russia.


Foreign Minister Marapana attends IORA Council of Ministers’ Meeting in Durban, South Africa

21 10 2017 iora

Minister of Foreign Affairs Tilak Marapana attended the Seventeenth Council of Ministers’ Meeting (COM) of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in Durban, South Africa, on 18 October 2017.

The Meeting marked the commencement of the two year period of South Africa’s leadership of IORA as its Chair for the period 2017- 2019. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also assumed its position as the Vice Chair which will enable it to become the next Chair of IORA in 2019. The Meeting was attended by Ministers and representatives from the 21 IORA member states and seven Dialogue Partners; China, Egypt, Japan, France, Germany, the UK and the USA.


Consular Division wins Two Awards at the 19th National Best Quality ICT Awards

16 10 2017consularwonpic1

The Consular Affairs Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was awarded the Public Sector Most Outstanding ICT Achievement Award and the Gold Award in the Government and Public Sector Category at the 19th National Best Quality ICT Awards held at the Hotel Taj Samudra on 06th October 2017.

The two awards were presented to the Consular Affairs Division in recognition and appreciation of its online Electronic Document Attestation System (e-DAS) developed to provide quality services to the Citizens of Sri Lanka and in recognition and appreciation of the efforts made to introduce, nurture and develop an ICT environment in the Consular Division to improve service delivery. The e-DAS was rated as the most innovative digital platform in the public sector of Sri Lanka.


Remarks by Prasad Kariyawasam, Foreign Secretary at the Official Reception hosted by the Commander of the Navy on the occasion of the Galle Dialogue 2017 on 9 October 2017

11 10 2017 galledialogue20172

The International Maritime Conference, 'Galle Dialogue 2017,' convened by the Sri Lanka Navy under the patronage of the Ministry of Defence, was held in Colombo, on 9 and 10 October 2017 for the eighth consecutive year.

Over 100 local and foreign scholars and experts in naval and maritime affairs representing 51 countries including India, China, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States along with 12 international organizations shared their expertise at the two-day dialogue that was held under the theme, 'Greater maritime visibility for enhanced maritime security.'

The Galle Dialogue was initiated by the Navy in 2010. 

Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam made these remarks addressing the 'Galle Dialogue 2017'


Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana holds high level discussions with the European Union in Brussels on 26th September 2017

26 09 2017 honmin1

Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana who is on his first official visit to the European Union Headquarters in Brussels held discussions with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and European Commissioner Christos Stylianides. The Foreign Minister was accompanied by Deputy Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs Dr. Harsha De Silva, Ambassador to the European Union Rodney Perera and senior officials.


UN ready to provide fullest support to SL to build as an exemplary nation in the world where prosperity and reconciliation achieved -UNSG

25 09 2017 unsg

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says the UN is ready to   provide every possible assistance to Sri Lanka in its efforts to build as a prosperous nation where the reconciliation is strengthened.

He further said that the UN will provide its maximum support to build as an exemplary nation in the world, where all the Sri Lankans can live with prosper and reconciliation, while closely associating with Sri Lanka and its citizens.


Sri Lanka’s reconciliation process is proceeded step by step – President to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

25 09 2017 hrc

President Maithripala Sirisena says Sri Lanka is performing for the betterment of its people with much responsibility, in keeping with the charters of UN, as a member of United Nations. He said the government is taking the process to ensure human rights and reconciliation forward step by step. The President made these remarks during his meeting with Prince Zeid al-Hussein, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Address by President Maithripala Sirsena at the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

SL Pres Easy 1

Address by H.E. Maithripala Sirisena President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka General Debate

of the Seventy-Second Session of the United Nations General Assembly

19 September 2017

United Nations, New York

A very good evening to all of you!

His Excellency the President of the General Assembly


His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me great pleasure to be able to commence my address to the 72nd Session of the General Assembly while congratulating the newly appointed President and Secretary-General of the Organisation. In fact, it gives me great pleasure to address this august Assembly for the third time as the Head of State of Sri Lanka.

The theme of this 72nd Session of the General Assembly is ‘Focusing on people: striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet’.

Today, when we take into consideration the prevailing conditions in the world, this theme is extremely timely.


Chairperson Abu Dhabi Dialogue -Minister Thalatha Athukorala visits Abu Dhabi

15 09 2017 Abudhabidialogue

Justice and Foreign Employment Minister Thalatha Athukorala visited UAE in her capacity as the Chairperson Abu Dhabi Dialogue and met the Human Resources and Labour Minister Saqr Ghobsh.

The Minister said that he is willing to extend all support to strengthen the relationship between the two countries during the time Minister Athukorala is holding the Chairperson of Abu Dhabi Dialogue.

Minister Athukorala also had discussion with all the ADD Ambassadors who are resident in Abu Dhabi.


Source :


Valedictory Address by Prasad Kariyawasam, Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Colombo Defence Seminar 2017

30 08 2017 sfa 2


The inauguration ceremony of the ‘Colombo Defence Seminar 2017’, which is held under the theme ‘Countering Violent Extremism: Global Trends’, was held under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena on 28th September 2017 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) in Colombo .

The Sri Lanka Army launched the Defence Seminar in 2011 with the aim of initiating a dialogue regarding regional and global security issues. Colombo defence seminar 2017 held as a two day forum.

Prasad Kariyawasam, Secretary of Foreign affairs made these remarks addressing the Colombo Defence Seminar 2017.

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I take the floor at the very end of two days of deliberations on one of the most important subjects of our time – “Countering Violent Extremism”. The opening ceremony, as you know, was graced by the President of Sri Lanka, manifesting the importance and leadership Sri Lanka provides at the highest levels of Government, in dealing with violent extremism, not just in Sri Lanka, but worldwide, as this is not a phenomenon confined to a country, to a community, or a society; and success requires working with others, in fact with everyone, everywhere, in partnership.

Admiral William J. Fallon’s Keynote Address yesterday set the tone for our deliberations over these two days. The discussion on this important subject that commenced yesterday should not end when we bring down the curtain this evening on this Colombo Defence Seminar. The partnerships we formed, the networks we built, the dialogues that we started, the ideas that we exchanged during our time here should continue, and should be transformed into implementation in our societies, communities, and countries, in dealing with this complex phenomenon. 


Hon. Tilak Marapana assumes duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs

18 08 2017 newminister01

Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Development Assignments assumed duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday 18 August 2017. 

Minister Marapana was received by the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prasad Kariyawasam and senior staff upon arrival at the Ministry. Following the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and holding of religious observances, the Minister officially assumed duties at the Ministry.

Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana addessed the media following his assumption of duties.

18 08 2017 newminister02




Courtest :

19 August 2017

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Prasad Kariyawasam assumes duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

15 08 2017AssumingDuties

Following his appointment by President Maithripala Sirisena on 29 July, as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prasad Kariyawasam assumed duties yesterday morning, Tuesday 15 August 2017.

Mr. Kariyawasam joined the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in 1981. Prior to his appointment as Secretary, he served as the Ambassador for Sri Lanka to the United States of America from July 2014 to August 2017. He has held diplomatic assignments in Geneva, Riyadh, Washington, New York and New Delhi, and has served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York and Geneva and High Commissioner to India.  He has been previously concurrently accredited as Ambassador / High Commissioner to Chile, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Holy See, Bhutan and Afghanistan.


Bio - Data

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

16 August 2017


Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka is successfully brought under control

The Dengue  Epidemic that has become a concern in Sri Lanka for the past few months is successfully brought under control by the measures taken by the relevant government authorities and collective effort of the general public alike, Sri Lanka Tourism confirms. Reported cases have dropped by 35-40% since mid-Julyaccording to the sources of Ministry of Health. Regular campaigns were implemented to educate, clean up areas and other preventive measures have been taking place to control the spreading of the disease under guidance and surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka.


Notice on the period of Operation of the Prescription (Special Provisions) Act No. 5 of 2016

The Ministry of Justice of Sri Lanka wishes to inform that pursuant to the Section 4 of the Prescription (Special Provisions) Act No. 5 of 2016, ‘disadvantaged persons’ who were unable to pursue their rights for the recovery of any immovable property, including land, during the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, are entitled to benefit from the Act within two years of its operationalization. As the Act came into effect on April 26, 2016, the said stipulated time period expires on 26 April 2018.

Therefore, any person/s is/are interested in reclaiming his/her/their property through the provisions of the Act, such claim ought to be brought before April 26, 2018.


Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD) convened a Special Workshop in Dubai from 4-5 July 2017, in operationalizing four key areas adopted in the 4th Ministerial Meeting held in Colombo early this year.

19 07 2017 add

Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD) chaired by Sri Lanka met in Dubai for a two day Special Workshop from 4-5 July 2017 at senior officials and experts level representing the member Governments of the ADD and including observers from civil society, the private sector, and international organizations. The main objective of the workshop was to operationalize the four (04) collaborative tracks that were approved by the ADD Ministers at the Inter-Ministerial Consultation in Colombo in January this year, namely, alternative model for labour recruitment, certification of skills and recognition, comprehensive information management and Technology in the Governance of Labour Mobility. The outcome will be shared with the ongoing UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as ADD best practices in consultation with the ADD Members States.

ADD represents one of the largest regional migration corridors. 

Please see the full report on the workshop proceedings.


26th July 2017

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka




Travel goods from Sri Lanka to enjoy duty free entry to the United States

Export of travel goods from Sri Lanka will enjoy duty free entry to the United States following a decision by the United States administration to approve the inclusion of travel goods from all GSP beneficiary countries, including Sri Lanka, in the expanded US General System of Preferences (GSP) scheme on July 1, 2017.  This would enable the duty-free entry of products such as bags, wallets and backpacks in to the US market after being previously charged 6 to 20 percent of tariff.


Statement by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Foreign Affairs following bilateral talks with Hon. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia on 19th July 2017 in Colombo

19 07 2017 hon.mfa02

Your Excellency Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia,

His Excellency Bryce Hutchesson, High Commissioner of Australia,

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great pleasure I extend a warm welcome to Hon. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia to Sri Lanka. The visit is significant, since it coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Australia.

The people to people links are the bedrock of the bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and Australia. The presence of over 150,000 Australians of Sri Lankan origin has provided a human bridge between the two countries.


Invitation for views and observations on Sri Lanka’s draft National Report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights

  • The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process in which the human rights records of all 193 UN Member States are reviewed periodically. It was introduced when the UN Human Rights Council was created by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006, and it was adopted unanimously by all UN Member States. Under this process, the human rights situation of all member countries of the UN is reviewed every 4.5 years.
  • The UPR is a State-driven process. Each State is given an opportunity to declare what actions have been taken to improve the human rights situation in a country and to fulfil their respective human rights obligations. The UPR is designed to ensure equal treatment for every country when their human rights situations are assessed. The ultimate aim of this mechanism is to improve the human rights situation in all countries and address human rights violations wherever they occur.


Opening Address by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Chairman of the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute (LKI) at the commencement of proceedings of the Seminar on Emerging Issues in the Indian Ocean and Foreign Policy Forum

28 06 2017 fm

Hon. Governors and Ministers, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure, as the new Chairman of the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute, to address this eminent gathering of policymakers, diplomats, scholars, corporate leaders, lawyers, civil society, and students, at this landmark event on Sri Lanka’s foreign policy. 

It has been a little over a month since I became Foreign Minister. I am conscious that I have assumed an office and responsibilities previously held by some of our most illustrious leaders, not least by the late Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar after whom this Institute is fittingly named, but also by Mr. A.C.S. Hameed, Mrs. Bandaranaike, and several others, each of whom left invaluable legacies for our international relations.    


Sri Lanka Signs an Agreement with Germany to Recruit Sri Lankans as Geriatric Care Nurses

29 06 2017 gn

Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Employment Mr. G.S. Withanage and Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, Ambassador for the 2017-2018 GFMD Co-Chairmanship of Germany today (27th June), signed a Joint Declaration of Intent on principles of fair recruitment of personnel for training as geriatric nurses in the Federal Republic of Germany. The signing ceremony took place at the German Federal Foreign Ministry in Berlin, during Secretary Mr. Withange’s visit to Berlin leading the Government of Sri Lanka delegation to the 10th Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) hosted by the Government of Germany.


Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka appointed as UNSG’s Envoy on Youth

30 06 2017 jayathma


United Nations Secretary-General’s office announced today (20th June) that Secretary General António Guterres has appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his next Envoy on Youth. She will succeed Ahmad Alhendawi of Jordan.

Ms. Wickramanayake will succeed Ahmad Alhendawi of Jordan to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his dedicated service in addressing the needs and rights of young people, bringing the work of the United Nations closer to them


Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam of Sri Lanka re-elected to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers

30 06 2017 prasad

Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the USA, Prasad Kariyawasam, who has been a member of the UN Committee on Migrant Workers since its inception in March 2004, and the first Chair of the Committee , was re-elected for the fourth time at the Election held at the UN in New York on 28 June 2017, at the 8th Meeting of State Parties to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.


Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake visits India

06 07 2017 SLFM IPM 1

Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake on his first visit overseas as Minister of Foreign Affairs, called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and held discussions with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj yesterday, 6 June 2017. He will have discussions today with Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar and others before returning to Colombo tonight.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


7 June 2017


UN Day of Vesak Conference & Celebrations

09 05 2017 logovesakday


The UN Day of Vesak Conference will be held in Sri Lanka with 1600 participants from 85 countries from May 12th to 14th in Colombo and Kandy.

Some 750 international participants are expected from 85 countries, according to the Conference Secretariat.  

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will ceremonially open the conference in Colombo and Nepali President Bidhya Devi Bandari will be the Chief Guest of the closing ceremony to be held in Kandy. President Maithreepala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and senior Cabinet ministers will also grace these occasions.


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