Commemoration of the International Day of Vesak 2024 at the United Nations Office in Geneva

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For the second consecutive year, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka joined hands with the Permanent Mission of Thailand in Geneva to organize the celebration of the International Day of Vesak at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, on 24 May 2024, in collaboration with the International Buddhist Foundation.  

The Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatiana Valovaya graced the event as the Chief Guest.

In her welcome remarks the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, Ambassador Himalee Arunatilaka underlined the key role played by Sri Lanka in gaining international recognition for the Day of Vesak in 1999 and recalled the pivotal role played by then Foreign Minister the late Lakshman Kadirgamar in this regard. He tabled the draft resolution at the United Nations General Assembly on behalf of 10 countries namely; Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand that recognized the Day of Vesak acknowledging the contribution that Buddhism has made for over two and a half millennia and continues to make to the spirituality of humanity. The resolution was co-sponsored by a cross regional group of 34 countries. This year’s commemoration of the Day of Vesak at the UN is particularly significant as 2024 marks the 25th Anniversary since the adoption of the of the UNGA resolution. Co-host of the event, Ambassador Usana Berananda of Thailand, and Chief Guest, Director General Valovaya, also delivered remarks on the occasion.


76th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka was celebrated with the participation of Sri Lankan community in Switzerland

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva hosted an event to celebrate the 76th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka with the participation of the Sri Lankan community in Switzerland, at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) premises in Geneva on 08th February 2024.


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Celebration of the 76th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka

The 76th AnnAnniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka was celebrated at the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva with a multi-religious ceremony attended by the representatives of Sri Lankan Community and Mission staff. 
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72nd Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence celebrated in Geneva

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The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva marked the 72nd anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence at a solemn ceremony held on 4 February 2020 at the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) premises in Geneva.


Inter-faith service in Bern, Switzerland invoke blessings on victims of Easter Sunday attacks

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An inter-religious service to pay tribute, to honour the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka, and to invoke blessings for the family members of the victims, for speedy recovery of the injured as well as for all Sri Lankans was held on Sunday, 28 April 2019 in Bern, the Capital city of Switzerland. The solemn event was organized by the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Geneva together with House of Religions, Bern and the Sri Lankan community in Switzerland.  

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A two minutes' silence was observed by those present at the commencement of the event. Demonstrating unity and solidarity and the strength of multi-ethnic, multi-religious fabric of the Sri Lankan society, leaders representing Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic religions participated in the event. Praying for the eternal peace for the departed souls, the religious leaders invoked blessings on the victims and their family members. All religious leaders called for understanding and tolerance among all communities to stand as one nation and prayed for peace and calm to prevail in the motherland. 

Speaking at the event, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva and Consul General of Sri Lanka in Switzerland Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez, expressed deepest condolences to the families of the victims while wishing speedy recovery for those injured in the attacks. "Terrorism will never be able to defeat Sri Lanka and its people" stressed Ambassdor Azeez, recalling that during these most horrendous attacks, Sri Lankans have risen above differences, as a community of purpose, united by the values of humanity, and "that was the antithesis of which the terrorists had sought to achieve on the Easter Sunday." 

The event concluded with a candle light vigil by the participants praying for the victims, families and all Sri Lankans. 

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Among the guests who were present were Ambassadors of India and US to Switzerland, Permanent Representative of Bhutan to the United Nations in Geneva, Diplomatic Representatives of the Embassies of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in Bern as well as Diplomatic Representatives of the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations in Geneva.  

Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Switzerland


30 April 2019

'Tripitakabhivandana' celebration in Geneva highlights 'Tripitaka' as a shared global intellectual treasure

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An interactive scholarly discussion on the significance of the Tripitaka as a world heritage took place at the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) headquarters in Geneva, continuing the week-long celebrations-'Tripitakabivandana'. The event was also intended to raise awareness among States that follow the Buddhist traditions, as well as other States, to join hands with Sri Lanka in realising the initiative taken by President Maithripala Sirisena, to inscribe the Tripitaka on the UNESCO ‘Memory of the World’ Register. 

Organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva, the event brought together several erudite members of the Maha Sangha, members of the diplomatic community as well as Sri Lankans living in Geneva, to reflect on the spiritual, historical as well as global value of the Tripitaka-the foremost doctrine of Buddhist teaching. A strong call for the recognition of the Tripitaka as a shared heritage of mankind was echoed.


Sri Lanka Mission in Geneva celebrates 71st Independence Day

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The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva celebrated the 71th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence on 9th February 2019 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) with the participation of over 250 members of the Sri Lankan community in Switzerland. This was preceded by a separate event hosted at the same venue for the diplomatic community in Geneva, which was attended by Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives, officials of international organisations and the Executive Director of the UN Office Geneva, the Secretary General of Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Director General of World Health Organisation, among others.

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Sri Lanka Permanent Mission Participates in the Annual UN Women’s Guild Charity Bazaar

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World renowned Ceylon Tea along with Ceylon Cinnamon based products and Sri Lanka's famed precious stones attracted a large number of visitors to the National Stall set by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar on Tuesday, 20 November 2018. The Sri Lankan Food Stall run by the family members of the Mission's staff was a hot attraction providing the visitors opportunity to taste the famous Sri Lankan rice and curry.  

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Organized by the United Nations Women’s Guild and Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations in Geneva, over the years the UNWG Bazaar has become a premier event in the UN calendar, with more than 150 countries' national stalls attracting close upon 6,000 visitors from all over Switzerland and neighboring cities. In addition to promoting and displaying cultural diversity of the membership of the United Nations, thus bringing them all on a unifying platform, the event provides a unique opportunity each year, for the visitors to buy handmade products and souvenirs from different countries and to experiment cuisines from around the world.  

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Proceeds from the Permanent Mission’s National Stall are donated to the UN Women’s Guild which supports charity projects for disadvantaged children around the world annually.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka


21 November 2018

The 70th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence celebrated in Geneva

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The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence in a grand manner, on 4th February 2018 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) with the participation of over 250 members of the Sri Lankan community in Switzerland.

The ceremonial event for the community to mark the 70th Independence Day commenced with the hoisting of the National Flag followed by the singing of the National Anthem in Sinhala. Two minutes silence was observed in hounouring all patriots, who sacrificed their lives to preserve and protect the freedom, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. 

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Following the lighting of the traditional oil lamp, multi-religious observances were conducted. Ven. Thawalama Dhammika Thero, Ven. Halyale Wimalarathana Thero and Ven. Halwitigala Sujatha Thero invoked blessings according to the Buddhist religious tradition. Rev. Uma Shankar Kurukkal conducted the Hindu religious observances. Mr. A.M. Zawahir conducted the Islamic religious observances. Rev. Sister Philo Jesudasan, Rev. Sister Clarista Benedict and Mrs. Sandra Bandaranaike conducted the Christian religious observances.


The 69th Independence Anniversary celebrated in Geneva

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The permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nation in Geneva celebrated the 69th Anniversary of Independence on 4th February 2017 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) with the participation of over 250 members of the Sri Lankan community.


Mission organizes an event to commence the National Integration and Reconciliation Week and to mark the Second Anniversary of the Inauguration-in-Office of H.E. the President

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H.E. Ravinatha Aryasinha, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, highlighted the key developments following the inauguration-in-office of H.E. the President, and reflected on the importance of reconciliation and integration as the way forward for Sri Lanka. He further stated that a number of important steps were taken by the Government both domestically and internationally to promote reconciliation and economic development of the country. Speaking on the importance of continued contribution by expatriate Sri Lankans to this process, Ambassador Aryasinha stressed the need to work together as one community for a better future for Sri Lanka. 


The 68th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence Day celebrated in Geneva

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The 68th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence was celebrated at an event organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva on 6 February 2016 (Saturday) at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) New Building. Over 250 members of the Sri Lankan community attended the event.
Addressing the gathering, Mrs. Samantha Jayasuriya, Charge d’Affaires a.i. said this solemn event was a celebration of Sri Lankan identity and the rich ethno-religious diversity that all Sri Lankans share. She noted that the Independence Day this year was celebrated at a time when the national unity government under the leadership of President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, “has presented to the world a Sri Lanka that is seeking to be a prosperous and peaceful nation, with equal opportunities for all its peoples, irrespective of their cast, creed or ethnicity”. Mrs. Jayasuriya, also highlighted the contribution made by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva through  actively engaging with a wide range of UN and international agencies, on human rights, trade, migration, disarmament, sustainable development, intellectual property, scientific research, environment and humanitarian work, over the last year, accruing tangible benefits to Sri Lanka. In this context she commended the Sri Lankan experts who have worked and are working in these organizations for their dedication as well as for their assistance to Sri Lanka over the years, and recalling Ambassador Aryasinha’s call on expatriate Sri Lankans and organizations to help in making the 'Declaration of Peace' pledge a reality abroad in practical ways she invited the overseas Sri Lankans and their associations to continue their good efforts to promote peace, prosperity and harmony in Sri Lanka.


Multi-religious observances held to mark the First Anniversary of the assumption of the office of H.E. the President

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The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka organized multi- faith religious observances to mark the first Anniversary of the inauguration of Office of H.E. the President Maitripala Sirisena on 8th January 2016 from 8:00- 9:00 a.m. at the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva

Members from the Sri Lankan community, representing Sri Lankan Associations in Geneva and the staff of the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka attended this event. Multi-religious observances were conducted, invoking blessings on President Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Government and the people of Sri Lanka. Two minutes silence was observed in honor of all those who sacrificed their lives for the motherland.


Sri Lanka’s famed pure Ceylon Tea showcased

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Sri Lanka’s renowned tourist attractions and its finest teas were in focus at the National Stall set by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, Geneva at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar held on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at the Palais des Nations. Organized by the United Nations Women’s Guild and Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations in Geneva, over the years the UNWG Bazaar has become a premier event in the UN calendar, with more than 150 country’s National stalls which attracting close upon 6,000 visitors.

Proceeds from the Permanent Mission’s national stall are donated to the UN Women’s Guild’s charity account which assists in raising funds for disadvantaged children around the world annually.


Ambassador Aryasinha calls on expatriate Sri Lankans and organizations to help in making the 'Declaration of Peace' pledge a reality abroad in practical ways

National Day celebrated in Geneca 2015

Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha has said the special 'Declaration of Peace' pledge made at this year’s Independence Day celebration in Sri Lanka was an important reminder of the concerted efforts being made in the country to seek reconciliation and to ensure that we do not repeat mistakes of the past. He said the challenge before expatriate Sri Lankans, was to consider ways and means of making the 'Declaration of Peace' pledge a reality abroad in practical ways. He particularly urged Sri Lanka related organizations abroad, to play a catalytic role in furthering the objectives of unity, amity and reconciliation contained in the 'Declaration of Peace' in all their work.  


Buddhist Centre opened in the “House of Religion” in Bern

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The ceremonial opening of the Buddhist Centre in the “House of Religion” in Bern , Switzerland was held on 14th December 2014, following the opening of the “House of Religion”, which is an intercultural and interreligious centre accommodating places of worships for number of other religions including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, etc.

The Buddhist Centre will provide an opportunity to the followers as well as the community interested in Buddhism to exchange their views on Buddhism, engage in Dhamma discourse and to practise meditation.


Sri Lanka’s finest Tea at UN Bazaar

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Sri Lanka’s renowned tourist attractions and its finest teas were in focus at the National Stall set by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, Geneva at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar held on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at the Palais des Nations.



Sri Lankans in Geneva celebrate Independence Day

Statement made by Ambassador Aryasinha at Independence Day Celebrations 2014Religious Observance at Independence Day Celebrations 2014

The Sri Lankan community resident in Geneva and the environs came together on Saturday (1 February 2014) to celebrate Sri Lanka's 66th anniversary of independence at an event organised by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva at the ILO premises. With over 250 Sri Lankans under one roof, the event was testimony to the country's rich and multi-faceted heritage.



Sri Lanka in focus at UN Women’s Guild Bazaar in Geneva

Sri Lanka counter at the UN Bazaar 2013
Sri Lanka’s renowned tourist attractions and its finest teas were in focus at the National Stall set by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, Geneva at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar held on Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at the Palais des Nations.  Organized by  the United Nations Women’s Guild and Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations in Geneva, over the years the UNWG Bazaar has become a premier event in the UN calendar, with more than 150 country’s National stalls which attracting close upon 6,000 visitors.


Amb. Aryasinha calls on Sri Lankans abroad to help moderate negative narratives against Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha has called on Sri Lankans living abroad "to contribute towards moderating the negative narratives propagated against Sri Lanka – by clarifying genuine concerns and debunking the falsehoods".  

The Ambassador made these observations when he addressed the 65th Independence Day celebrations attended by Sri Lankans living in Geneva and surrounding cities, held last week at the ‘ILO Headquarters in Geneva'. The event organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva, and attended by around 250 members of the Sri Lankan community, showcased Sri Lanka's religious & cultural diversity.


UN Womens’ Guild prize winner makes her way to Sri Lanka

Mrs Beverly Antille, who was the winner of the second prize at the United Nations Womens’ Guild Bazaar (UNWG) in Geneva, which included 2 return air tickets to Sri Lanka and a 6 day stay at the luxurious Siddhalepa ayurveda spa, left Switzerland for the island this week.

Pictured here at the presentation ceremony, Mrs Antille is seen with Mr. Guy Ludwig, Manager Sales, Etihad Airways, Mr Ruvan de Alwis of the United Nations, Ms Kajori Masse Bassu, President of the UNWG, Ms. Ajkuna Thanati, President of the lottery and Ms. Laila Hilal, President of the Bazaar 2013.


Sri Lanka in focus at United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar in Geneva


Sri Lanka's renowned tourist attractions and its finest teas were in focus at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar held on 21 November 2012 at the Palais des Nations, organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka accredited to the United Nations in Geneva with assistance from representatives of Sri Lankan Airlines from around Europe. The Sri Lanka national stall also offered tea for sale, while the Guild’s second prize this year included 2 return air tickets to Sri Lanka from Ethihad Airways with a 6 day stay at the luxurious Sidhaleppa health spa. Proceeds from the Permanent Mission’s national stall were donated to the United Nations Women’s Guild’s charity account which assists in raising funds for disadvantaged children around the world. Over the years, the Bazaar has become a premier event with the international community, attracting close upon 6 000 visitors.

2600th Anniversary of Sri Sambuddhatva Jayanthi celebrated at the United Nations in Geneva


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The Government of Sri Lanka has consistently espoused and been guided by the gentle tenets of Buddhism, which emphasizes Karuna, Metta, Muditha and Upeksha meaning  -kindness, loving compassion, thoughtfulness and equanimity said Kshenuka Senewiratne addressing a large international gathering at the commemoration of the  2600th Anniversary of Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi, which was celebrated at the United Nations in Geneva on the 11th May 2011. This commemorative event was organized by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva, at the United Nations Assembly Hall, which is considered a most prestigious venue. This occasion was also graced by Hon. Mahinda Amaraweera, Minister of Disaster Management and Mr. Kassym Jomart Tokayev, United Nations Under-Secretary General and the newly appointed Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, who is the former Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan.


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