The Secretariat regrets to announce that the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP18), originally scheduled to take place from 23 May to 3 June in Colombo, Sri Lanka, as well as the associated 71st and 72nd meetings of the Standing Committee, are being postponed. This decision has been taken out of respect for the victims of the recent attacks and the recognition by the Standing Committee, the Secretariat and the United Nations Department of Safety and Security of the time needed for the Government of Sri Lanka to address the current situation in the country.
We are fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all delegates. The Secretariat is monitoring the situation closely in consultation with the Sri Lankan authorities and the United Nations Department of Safety and Security. The Conference of the Parties has chosen Sri Lanka as next host Party and we are deeply grateful for the efforts Sri Lanka has made thus far as host. The Secretariat will be working with Sri Lanka to try and honour this choice in consultation with the UN Department of Safety and Security and the CITES Standing Committee.
Our support and solidarity remain with the people of Sri Lanka and all of those who have suffered losses from these tragic events.
We will make further information about CoP18 available as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the Secretariat continues to work on advancing the many substantive issues as mandated by the Conference of the Parties.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Ivonne Higuero
26 April 2019
Following the acts of terror that took place on Easter Sunday, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) have continued to engage with high-level government officials and tourism stakeholders in order to assess the current situation and have taken necessary steps to ensure all possible assistance is provided to tourists in need of help.
Sri Lanka Tourism is deeply shocked and saddened by the senseless violence and unreservedly condemns these dastardly acts. We offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to all the victims and their families, while wishing a speedy recovery to all those injured and currently receiving treatment.
In the immediate aftermath of the explosions Sri Lanka Tourism deployed trained emergency response teams and its representatives at hospitals, affected hotels and the airport to assist tourists in any way possible including hotel transfers, airline bookings, airport transfers, itinerary changes, hospital treatment, contacting their loved ones and reuniting missing family members through diplomatic channels.
In addition, a 24-hour emergency support desk has been established and can be accessed as follows;
Emergency local hotline number to assist tourists currently in Sri Lanka – 1912
Emergency hotline to assist families of affected foreign nationals +94 11 2322485
Sri Lanka Tourism wishes to assure tourists who are already in the country and unaffected by the terror attacks that the police, tourism police and security forces are jointly implementing a comprehensive security plan to ensure their safety across the island including all important tourism sites. Meanwhile a security briefing was held on 22nd April for hotel owners and operators on the new safety measures that are being rolled out and to seek their cooperation in strengthening security at hotels and resorts.
Sri Lanka Tourism would like to reassure the world that the country is open for business and all possible measures have been taken to ensure the safety and security of tourists. Our world famous tourism sites, hotels, resorts and other tourist attractions will remain open as usual. There are no road closures or restrictions on movement anywhere in the island.
Sri Lanka is a proudly diverse nation which celebrates its multicultural nature. Since the end of the war a decade ago, Sri Lanka has enjoyed absolute peace and it will do everything within its power to maintain the peace that every Sri Lankan cherishes and rebuild what has been destroyed with renewed vigour. There is no place for terrorism of any kind in Sri Lanka and whoever that is responsible for the Easter Sunday violence will be hunted down and punished in the strongest possible manner.
Sri Lanka Tourism looks forward to warmly welcome all those who have planned trips to the country in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Ministry of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs
No. 78, Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
Office: +94112382206
Fax: +94112382218
Mobile: +94 777 354 794
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Update on foreign national casualties at explosions in Sri Lanka–06 May 2019
As at Monday, 06 May 2019 1600 hours, the number of foreign nationals who have been identified as killed is 44. The fatalities were: one (01) from Bangladesh, six (06) from China, eleven (11) from India (10 Indian nationals and 01 Sri Lanka Passport holder with Overseas Citizen of India status), three (03) from Denmark, one (01) from Japan, one (01) from the Netherlands, one (01) from Portugal, two (02) from Saudi Arabia, two (02) from Spain, one (01) from Switzerland, two (02) from Turkey, six (06) from the UK, one (01) from USA, two (02) holding US and UK nationalities, one (01) holding Swiss and Dutch nationalities, one (01) holding Dutch and Sri Lankan nationalities, and two (02) holding Australian and Sri Lankan nationalities.
Human remains of 31 foreign nationals have been repatriated to date.
Additionally, 10 foreign nationals are unaccounted for at present, and could be among the unidentified victims at the Colombo Judicial Medical Officer’s mortuary.
The Ministry continues to liaise with the JMO office and Diplomatic Missions concerned in the identification and repatriation of human remains.
Representatives of the relevant Sri Lanka Missions in the countries concerned attended funerals and memorial services of the victims and expressed condolences on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka. Official condolence messages were sent by the Heads of Mission to the bereaved families. All over the world, many, including political leaders and dignitaries visited Sri Lanka Missions to sign the books of condolence, expressing sympathy and solidarity with Sri Lanka at its time of grief. Sri Lankan expatriates joined interfaith religious observances including candle light vigils organized by Sri Lanka Missions in memory of those who were killed in the Easter Sunday terror attacks.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
06 May 2019
මේ අවස්ථාවේදී සන්සුන්ව කටයුතු කරන ලෙසත්, පිපිරීම් පිළිබඳ පරීක්ෂණ සඳහා සියලු ජනතාවගේ සහය අපේක්ෂා කරන බවත්, මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් රජයේ වගකීම නොපිරිහෙලා ඉටුකරන බවත් ජනපතිතුමන් විශේෂ ප්රකාශයක් කරමින් කියයි.
நாட்டில் துயரமான சம்பவம் ஒன்று ஏற்பட்டுள்ள பின்னணியில் மக்கள் அமைதி காக்கும் அதேவேளை, விசாரணைகளுக்கு தமது பூரண ஒத்துழைப்பை பெற்றுக்கொடுக்குமாறும் இந்த சம்பவம் தொடர்பில் துரித விசாரணைகளை மேற்கொள்ள அரசாங்கம் நடவடிக்கை எடுத்துள்ளதாகவும் ஜனாதிபதி அவர்கள் தனது விசேட அறிக்கையில் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
In the country, the people who are in the background of a sad incident are the ones who are saving the peace of the people, and the people who have taken the government action to get the fast investigations in the connection, the president has given their special report.
President's Media Division News
President's Media Unit
21 April 2019
Sri Lanka
The prospective logistics and freight forwarding related companies and organizations in the Maritime sector, are invited to participate at the first ever Colombo International Logistics Conference scheduled to be held on 01st and 02nd August 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is known as a mega transhipment location in South Asia. The port of Colombo is the fastest growing port among major ports around the world, with the rank of 11th best connected port in the world. Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, connecting multiple continents and reaching out to billions of people, many have not realized that the island nation sitting next to the major market of India, is probably the best geographical position for logistics, distribution and storage of both bulk and containerized cargo. Sri Lanka has very flexible and an investor friendly environment through its commercial hub act opening the country for logistics FDI with least procedures for international investments. In addition, it has three major ocean ports being extensively developed for variety of purposes and connectivity. Colombo being the main container transhipment port is the only main South Asian port, closest to the East-West shipping route that is well equipped for the 21st Century mega container ships.
The Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy on behalf of Lanka Coal Company (Pvt) Ltd., has called for sealed applications for registration of Coal Suppliers to supply Coal for the 900MW Lakvijaya Coal Power Plant in Puttalam, Sri Lanka. Lakvijaya Coal Power Plant requires 2.25+10 % Million MT of coal every year.
The registration will be done for three years and can be renewed after evaluation on the criteria for registration. Once registered, the plant will call bids only from those who have registered. More information is available in the website of Lanka Coal Company (Pvt) Ltd. at
The Applications in prescribed format could be obtained by interested applicants on submission of a written request from the principles from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM (Sri Lanka Standard Time) on working days from following address. No charge is applicable to collect the Application forms.
Lanka Coal Company (Private) Limited
51/3, Suranimala Place, Off-Dutugemunu Street,
Kohuwala, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. 10350
Application shall be submitted by hand or sent by courier to the same address. There is no deadline for submission of applications.
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
25th February 2019
Construction Industry Development Authority of Sri Lanka, which is the regulatory authority of the Construction Industry in Sri Lanka, has been mandated to register the Foreign Contractors involved in identified construction work, in order to maintain the standards of the Construction Industry.
The Foreign Contractors who have already engaged in the Construction Industry in Sri Lanka and those who intend to undertake construction projects in Sri Lanka are invited to obtain official registration from the Construction Industry Development Authority of Sri Lanka.
Related documents:
For more details, please browse
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
22 January 2019
Address by H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, President of Sri Lanka at the 73rd Session of the
United Nations General Assembly
25 September 2018, New York
May the Noble Triple Gem bless all of you !
Mr. President,
Mr. Secretary-General,
Distinguished Heads of State,
Distinguished Delegates,
I am extremely pleased to participate in the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly representing Sri Lanka for the fourth consecutive occasion. Sri Lanka, as a Member State of the United Nations, is fully committed to adhere to its Charter, Conventions and Agreements and their implementation.
As Head of State, I am pleased to note the progress that has been made by Sri Lanka and my government during the past three-and-a-half years. When I was elected by the people of Sri Lanka as Head of State in January 2015, the Executive Office that I hold today, had excessive powers, which were comparable to those of a king, or even an emperor. I am pleased to state that I was able to relinquish these emperor-like excessive powers and transfer them to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, fulfilling the utmost duty of an elected leader.
President Maithripala Sirisena will lead the Sri Lanka Delegation to the 4th Summit of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), which will be held from 30-31 August 2018 in Kathmandu. At the conclusion of the Summit, the Chairmanship of BIMSTEC will be handed over to Sri Lanka by the current Chair, Nepal.
The Summit, which also includes a retreat of the participating Heads of State and Government will be preceded by the Sixteenth BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting and the Nineteenth Session of the BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting.
The Presidents of Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the Prime Ministers of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand, and the Chief Advisor of the Government of Bhutan will be leading their respective delegations to the Summit. The leaders are to adopt the 4th BIMSTEC Summit Declaration: "Towards a Peaceful, Prosperous and Sustainable Bay of Bengal Region" on 31 August at the conclusion of the Summit.
Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police of the Swiss Confederation undertook a three-day visit to Sri Lanka, during which she called on President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
The main highlight of the visit was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Swiss Confederation on the establishment of a Migration Partnership.
The State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka has called for International Competitive Bids for the supply of following Medical Items to the Department of Health Services.
Bidding Documents are available to prospective bidders on working days between 0930 hours to 1500 hours at the Head Office, No.75, Sir Baron Jayatillake Mawatha, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. Sealed bids to be sent to receive by the Internal Audit Department of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation at No. 75, Sir Baron Jayatillake Mawatha, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka on or before the dates specified in each of the procurement notice attached.
DHS/SUS/WW/150/19 - Molar Band with prewelded triple tube, various sizes
DHS/SUS/WW/151/19 - Surgical Non Consumables
DHS/SUS/WW/152/19 - Surgical Non Consumables
DHS/SUS/WW/153/19 - Forceps, various types
DHS/SUS/WW/154/19 - Digital Cholangio-pancreatoscope acess & delivery catheter and Biopsy Forceps
DHS/SUS/WW/155/19 - Drug Eluting Coronary Stent, various sizes
DHS/SUS/WW/156/19 - Locking Reconstruction Plates with Screws, various sizes
DHS/SUS/WW/157/19 - Dental Instruments
DHS/SUS/WW/158/19 - Pencil Point Spinal Needle, Pheripheral Nerve Stimulator Needle, Nasopharyngeal Air Way & Laryngeal Mask Air Way
DHS/SUS/WW/159/19 - Preformed Arch Wires Progressive Various sizes
DHS/SUS/WW/160/19 - Blood Lines Set for Haemodialysis
DHS/SUS/WW/161/19 - Amniotic Membrane Perforator, Modified Shepard Intrauterine Insemination Catheter & Ball Electrode
DHS/SUS/WW/162/19 - Micro Hand Plating for Implants Various sizes
More details on these procurement notices could be obtained from,
TEL/FAX: 00 94-11- 2335008
E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
31 July 2018
An Interview given by Mr Saliya Pieris, Chairperson of the Office on Missing Persons (OMP) to the " 99 minutes" Programme of the Rupavahini channel could be accessed via following URL:
Public Communications Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12 July 2018
His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-Cha, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, and his delegation paid an Official Visit to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka from 12 to 13 July 2018 at the invitation of His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
The Prime Minister of Thailand and the President of Sri Lanka had bilateral discussions on 12 July 2018, covering a wide range of issues including political, economic, technical, agricultural, fisheries, cultural, religious, tourism, as well as regional and multilateral cooperation. The two leaders noted with satisfaction the continued close and cordial relations between Thailand and Sri Lanka. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen the existing ties to a higher level of strategic economic partnership. During the discussions, the two leaders also recalled the successful outcome of the Official Visit of the President of Sri Lanka to Thailand in November 2015.
The attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been drawn to a list of names published online by the ITJP (International Truth and Justice Project). According to the ITJP, this list, which presently consists of 351 names and can be accessed at is of persons who are alleged to have disappeared while in the custody of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces in May 2009.
The Office on Missing Persons (OMP) which has been established by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 14 of 2016 as amended by Act No. 09 of 2017) is the permanent and independent entity in Sri Lanka that is vested with the tasks of, inter alia, searching and tracing of missing persons and clarifying the circumstances in which such persons went missing, and their fate; making recommendations to the relevant authorities towards reducing the incidents of missing persons; protecting the rights and interests of missing persons and their relatives; and identifying proper avenues of redress to which such missing persons or their relatives may have recourse.
Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges and encourages anyone in Sri Lanka or overseas to kindly share with the Office on Missing Persons:
-any further/additional/detailed information pertaining to persons whose names have been listed by the ITJP and the circumstances under which they went missing;
-any other lists/information that may be available with anyone/ entity pertaining to any individuals including lists of security forces and police personnel, who may be considered to be missing, as defined by Section 27 of the Act.
Kindly direct any information available to:
Office on Missing Persons,
Address: 34, Narahenpita Road, Nawala, Sri Lanka
E-mail: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka
Colombo 1
20 June 2018
Sri Lanka was elected today, 06 June 2018, to one of four (04) seats available for the Asia-Pacific, in the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, for the period 2018-2022, at the election that took place in Paris during the 7th General Assembly of UNESCO.
Eight countries contested from the Asia-Pacific Group, namely, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, Palau and Sri Lanka. With Palau withdrawing its candidature earlier today, seven countries stood for election. The countries that succeeded in being elected are: China, Sri Lanka, Japan and Kazakhstan, securing 123, 122, 107, and 98 votes respectively.
The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage which became a milestone in the evolution of international policies for promoting cultural diversity was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 2003 at its 32nd session. Recognizing the need to safeguard the traditions and living expressions among communities in Sri Lanka as well as in other countries of the world that are inherited from our ancestors such as oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festivals, knowledge and practices concerning nature, and knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts, Sri Lanka became a State Party to the Convention in 2008. This is the first time that Sri Lanka contested for a seat in the Committee since becoming a State Party to the Convention.
President Maithripala Sirisena represented Sri Lanka at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and participated in connected meetings and events in London from 16 to 21 April 2018. The formal Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting consists of the pre-meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the formal meeting of the Heads of Government and the Leaders Retreat. President Sirisena was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tilak Marapana.
Participating at the Heads of Government Meeting, President Sirisena highlighted Sri Lanka’s strategy to achieve sustainable development by pursuing a balanced inclusive green growth (BIGG) path. The President joined the leaders of the Commonwealth to adopt the Communiqué “Towards a Common Future” in which the countries of the Commonwealth affirmed unwavering commitment to the Commonwealth’s Fundamental Political Values reflected in the Charter, and pledged action on important areas such as gender equality and inclusion, strengthening democratic institutions and promoting peace, strengthening the multilateral trading system, expanding investment and boosting intra-Commonwealth trade, promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, addressing vulnerability and climate change, sustainable development of the oceans, sustainable use of energy and natural resources, health, education, cyber security, preventing violent extremism, human trafficking and child exploitation, and serious and transnational organized crime.
The Leaders also adopted the Commonwealth Blue Charter, agreeing on a bold and coordinated push to protect the ocean from the effects of climate change, pollution and over-fishing. Sri Lanka pledged in this context to initiate collaboration on mangrove restoration while several other countries similarly pledged to spearhead other areas relating to the oceans such as blue economic growth, restoration of coral reefs, and action on ocean acidification caused by man-made CO2 emissions. Sri Lanka also pledged to support the Clean Oceans Alliance led by the UK and Vanuatu to make oceans free of plastics.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Tilak Marapana, attended the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD), which commenced under the patronage of Federal Foreign Office and Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany on Tuesday 16 April 2018.
In recent years, the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue has become a leading international forum for high-level policymakers, industry and civil society to come together to discuss viable concepts for the ongoing transformation of the energy sector and the energy transition, especially about a safe, affordable and environmentally responsible global energy transition.
The two-day conference, which was held under the motto “towards a global energy transition – (Energiewende)”, brought together stakeholders and decision makers representing 90 countries, including more than 30 Ministers to discuss ways that national governments and energy sector stakeholders can contribute to meeting the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda.
A new interface of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been launched. The URL for the website remains the same, at:-
The new interface has been designed to be mobile responsive and accessible across different devices, platforms and browsers; to provide a more user-friendly interface for the web-user and public.
Comprehensive updated information in important sections such as key profiles, contact details of ministry officials and divisions; contact details of Sri Lanka Missions abroad and Foreign Missions / Organizations in Sri Lanka; and detailed information on the range of consular services available to the public, are presently online. These sections will also be made available in Sinhala and Tamil, shortly.
Contact details of Sri Lanka Missions abroad are listed and categorized for quick access, and can be searched on a map indicating regions of the world. With a view to providing better information to the public, the Mission entry also indicates the current time of the country where the Mission is located, and the time difference from where the user has logged into the site.
The new interface is part of the Ministry's ongoing efforts to improve service delivery and to provide information to the general public.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
20 April 2018
President Maithripala Sirisena will join the Heads of Government of the 53-member Commonwealth at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that is to convene in London from 16-20 April 2018. The President will be joined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tilak Marapana.
The Commonwealth is a diverse community of nations that work together to promote prosperity, democracy and peace. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings are occasions where the leaders of the Commonwealth member states come together to reaffirm common values, address the shared global challenges faced and agree on how to work to create a better future for all citizens, particularly young people.
The theme of the Summit in London – “Towards a Common Future” – is focused on building on the strengths of the Commonwealth to ensure that the organisation is responsive to global challenges and delivers a more prosperous, secure, sustainable and fair future for all the citizens of the Commonwealth, particularly the young. Recognizing the common challenges faced by all member States, such as weak global trade and investment flows; new cross-border security threats; the effects of climate change on small and other vulnerable states; and threats to shared values of democracy, good governance and inclusivity as set out in the Commonwealth Charter, the leaders will focus on action required to deliver a more sustainable, fairer, secure and prosperous future for the citizens of the Commonwealth.
President Sirisena’s participation at the CHOGM will be focused on reaffirming Sri Lanka’s firm commitment to the Commonwealth and deepening Sri Lanka’s partnership with the Organisation as well as with each individual member nation.
The President’s engagements will include the Heads of Government meeting on 19 April, the leaders retreat on 20 April, and addressing the Commonwealth Business Forum as the keynote speaker on 18 April on the theme “Delivering the SDGs: Aligning Business, Society and the Governments”.
Over 50 entrepreneurs from Sri Lanka, mainly from the small and medium enterprise sector, will participate in the Commonwealth Business Forum, positioning Sri Lanka as a trade and investment hub in South Asia to gain the Commonwealth trade advantage. The Business Forum is expected to make a compelling case for free and inclusive trade as the best way to promote higher living standards around the world.
Sri Lanka will become a champion country in the Commonwealth Blue Charter initiative and engage with other member countries in developing a cohesive ocean strategy for the sustenance of the blue economy. A key area where Sri Lanka has expressed interest in spearheading action in this connection is in the restoration of mangroves.
Source :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12 April 2018
The Consular Affairs Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs, has introduced a new system through which relatives of Sri Lankans deceased abroad are allowed to submit identity documents, affidavits, and other documentation relating to the repatriation of human remains or conduct of last rites, through Divisional Secretariats islandwide.
Hitherto, the relatives of the deceased person were required to submit such documents to the Consular Affairs Division to bring human remains to Sri Lanka, or to get authorization to conduct last rites abroad. Under the new system, the relatives of the deceased could submit the required documentation to the nearest Divisional Secretariat, which in turn would forward them to the Consular Affairs Division for appropriate action.
Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs has already issued a circular, instructing all Divisional Secretaries to extend required assistance for the effective implementation of this initiative.
The new system allows relatives of deceased to have their required documentation processed at the nearest Divisional Secretaiat, without having the need to travel to the Consular Affairs Division in Colombo or the Regional Consular Office in Jaffna. The general public in outstation areas would particualrly benefit from the new arrangement and avoid the need for travelling long distances to Colombo or Jaffna at a time of bereavement as well as undue delays and expenditure.
This initiative is part of the endeavours of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to streamline, decentralize and improve Consular service delivery to the public.
Source :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
23 March 2018
At the invitation of the Government of Sri Lanka, the Special Envoy of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention, Prince Mired Raad Zeid Al-Hussein of Jordan will undertake an official visit from 5 – 7 March 2018.
The visit is of particular significance since Sri Lanka acceded to the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention on 13 December 2017 becoming its 163rd State Party. The ‘Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction’, typically referred to as the ‘Ottawa Convention’ or ‘Mine Ban Treaty’, seeks to end the use of anti-personnel landmines (APLs) worldwide. It was opened for signature on December 3, 1997, and it entered into force on March 1, 1999. Currently the convention has 164 state parties.
Sri Lanka has called for an urgent review of the composition of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), to better reflect the geographical distribution, the importance of chemical industry, and the political and security interests of Member States in the contemporary world.
Addressing the 22nd Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention in The Hague, last Wednesday (29th November 2017), the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to The Netherlands and Permanent Representative to the OPCW, Mr A.M.J. Sadiq made this call while delivering the National Statement on behalf of Sri Lanka. Elaborating further, Ambassador Sadiq noted that since the establishment of the OPCW twenty years ago, there have been major positive developments of economic and geo-political significance in Asia, Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean. Today, around 84% of the world population and 73 % of Member States of the OPCW belong to these regions.
The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe was on a working visit to New Delhi from 22nd – 24th November 2017.
During his visit the Prime Minister attended the Inaugural Session of the ‘5th Global Conference on Cyber Space: 2017’ held in New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi was the Chief Guest.
Addressing the Inaugural Session, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe said that today, cyber space is the most crucial mode of transmitting information and knowledge. Cyber space has become a key source of upgrading human lives, human resources and social transformation. Nevertheless, it has also posed new challenges to the social system. It has not only threatened civil liberties but has affected the personal freedom of people in many ways. Hence, time has come to focus on establishing a framework for an ethical cyber space, said Prime Minister Wickremsinghe. He noted that, there needed to be a balance between the freedom of information and civil liberties. The balance between the two can create the development of the cyber space and revolutionize the communication field.
Sri Lanka's Report under the Universal Periodic Review comes up for consideration by the OHCHR Working Group on UPR on Wednesday 15 November 2017, in Geneva.
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 2006, as a process through which the human rights record of every UN Member State is peer-reviewed.
This review, conducted through the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), is based upon each country’s human rights obligations and commitments in the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights instruments to which the country is party, and other sources. During the process, the country under review submits a written report on its human rights record, and appears before the Council, where it receives recommendations regarding its human rights record from other UN Member States. The country under review is able to ‘accept’ or ‘note’ these recommendations. Those accepted form the basis for future reporting.
Friends from the Media,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted and honoured to welcome Ambassador Thomas Shannon, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and his delegation, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this evening.
This is our second meeting in the last two months or so. Ambassador Shannon and I met in New York in late September, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, when he called on His Excellency the President, to discuss the growing interaction and partnership between our two countries. Ambassador Shannon also met Finance and Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera during his visit last month to Washington DC. The Hon. Speaker of our Parliament and a multi-party delegation were in Washington in late September. The level of heightened interaction between our two countries, at all levels, is indeed heartening.
Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with his Chinese counterpart, Hon. Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, on October 30, 2017. The cordial discussions between the two Ministers focused on longstanding China-Sri Lanka relations, and hopes for future strengthening of cooperation and friendship.
Foreign Minister Marapana is currently in Beijing, from 30 October to 03 November 2017 at the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, to attend the celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of diplomatic relations and 65th Anniversary of economic relations between Sri Lanka and China.