Book of Condolence in Memory of the Victims of Terrorist Attacks

In view of the devastating tragedy that occurred on Easter Sunday, when churches and hotels were attacked in an extreme manifestation of terror and violence, the Government of Sri Lanka has declared Tuesday, 23rd April 2019 as the Day of National Mourning in memory of the victims.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the innocent victims who lost their lives and the several hundreds injured, as well as with their loved ones.

A Book of Condolences will be opened at the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka, located at Rue de Moillebeau 56, 1209 (5th floor) on the following days :

- Tuesday, 23rd April 2019                     11.00 - 13.00hrs and 15.00 - 17.00hrs 

- Wednesday, 24th April 2019                10.30 - 13.00hrs and 15.00 - 17.00hrs 

- Thursday, 25th April 2019                   10.30 - 13.00hrs and 15.00 - 17.00hrs


Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka


23 April 2019

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