G-15 delivers Joint Statement at the 102nd International Labour Conference, Geneva

Hon. Gamini Lokuge, Minister of Labour and Labour Relations delivered a Joint statement on behalf of the Group of Fifteen (G-15) at the 102nd International Labour Conference on 12th June 2013 in Geneva. The Group of Fifteen raised their concern that the continuing global financial crisis resulting in uncertain economic outlook, aggravated unemployment and rising poverty levels, is hampering ongoing efforts towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in many developing countries particularly in Asia and Africa.

Furthermore, the Group emphasized re-doubling of the global efforts to ensure that the objective of full and productive employment and decent work for all is duly considered in the discussions on the post-2015 development agenda and called upon ILO to undertake further research and analysis on demographic transition, its impact and possible policy responses, particularly for developing countries where 73% of the world’s older population will be living in by 2030.


Read the Joint Statement at the 102nd International Labour Conference, 12th June 2013 in Geneva

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