Statement by Delegation of Sri Lanka following update by High Commissioner of Human Rights at the HRC on 18th September, 2006

Mr. President,

I would like to thank High Commissioner Arbour for her update on the current global human rights situation.  We had hoped however that OHCHR would have engaged our Mission earlier to convey your concerns on Sri Lanka.  We have always been available for fostering a dialogue of cooperation and mutual respect.


Statement by Hon Mahinda Samarasinghe, Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights of Sri Lanka- on 30 August 2006 at the Launch of the Common Humanitarian Action Plan for Sri Lanka from -September to December, 2006

Mr. Chairman

Distinguished delegates and

representatives of UN and International Organizations

I am in Switzerland to make a presentation at the Conference on International Disaster Reduction which is being held in Davos.  Having received an invitation from UNDP, I am also pleased on this same occasion to be able to make a statement at today’s launch of the Common Humanitarian Action Plan for Sri Lanka and to present some perspectives from the Government of Sri Lanka.


Address by Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights of Sri Lanka at the First Session of the Human Rights Council – Geneva - 19 June 2006

Mr. President,
High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Distinguished delegates,

On behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka, and on my own behalf, may I congratulate you Mr. President on your election to the Chair of this historic inaugural session of the UN Human Rights Council.  I would like to assure you my delegation’s support and cooperation as you undertake the onerous task of presiding over the deliberations of this august body.


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