Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) - Intervention during the adoption of the Report o

24 12 2021 CCW

Thank you Madam Chair

allow me to congratulate you at the outset on your appointment as the chair of this Committee and to assure of our full support.

Sri Lanka takes note of the content of the draft report, and we note with concern that the recommendations on the future mandate of the GGE have fallen short of the expectations of those who voiced for a more ambitious mandate for the GGE.

As indicated at the GGE sessions over the years and during the General debate of this Conference, Sri Lanka remains convinced that the mandate of the GGE on LAWS should not only be continued but should also be strengthened with a negotiating mandate. The GGE has been a deliberative forum since 2016. Decisions on life are too important to be left to the blunt expedient of a mechanical judgment. Therefore Internationally agreed prohibitions and limitations on this issue in the form of a binding legal instrument is an urgent necessity to ensure retention of centrality of human control in weapon systems. Mere continuation of the discussions on this topic will not be an adequate response to the fast emerging humanitarian, ethical as well as security concerns posed by the autonomous weapon systems.

We wish to express our disappointment that the GGE as well as this review conference do not appear to reach consensus on the adoption of a substantive report on autonomous weapon systems nor on a negotiating mandate for the GGE while the window for action is fast closing.

Nevertheless madam chair we wish to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and your commitment in leading the main committee ii amidst limitations posed by the divergent opinions to ensure continuation of the mandate of the GGE .

While our preference would certainly be with a more focused and result oriented mandate for the GGE we would support the proposed mandate in the spirit of consensus.

Thank you madam chair

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