Statement delivered by Sri Lanka during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council

Madame President,

Sri Lanka takes note of the Special Rapporteur’s report on the Situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories and wishes to express regret at the serious escalation in violence in the territory following evictions, demolitions, settlement expansion and settler violence. We deeply regret that the outbreak of violent hostilities in May caused wanton loss of many civilian lives. The long-term effects of such violence on infrastructure including water, sanitation and electricity will only lead to the suffering of the people of the Palestinian Territories.

We appreciate the work of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in responding to the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian Territories and call on the international community to strengthen support for their activities. We also highlight the paramount importance of addressing the aggravated humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories, including the provision of urgent healthcare including vaccines and therapeutics, and social and economic assistance to the populations affected by hostilities.  

Sri Lanka re-iterates its consistent and principled position regarding the right of the Palestinian people to statehood and to the natural resources in their territory and re-iterates the importance of the early implementation of the relevant UNGA resolutions. We remain committed to supporting a negotiated settlement in line with the internationally agreed parameters of two states living side by side on the basis of the 1967 borders, which is key to achieving long term security, peace and prosperity.

I thank you

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Statement delivered by Sri Lanka during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council

Madam President,

Sri Lanka notes the report presented by the Special Rapporteur on ‘means to address the human rights impact of pushbacks of migrants on land and at sea’.

In this context, we wish to draw this Council’s attention to the critical challenges faced by migrant workers, particualrly during the current pandemic situation.

The remittances of migrant workers who comprise 3.5% of the world’s population, contribute to the socio-economic development of communities and societies, lifting millions out of poverty, raising standards of living and providing access to health services, nutrition, education and housing. [According to the World Bank, remittance flows to low and middle income countries were US $ 540 in 2020, only 1.6% lower that the US$548 recorded in 2019.]


Statement delivered by Sri Lanka during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to health at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council

Madam President,

Sri Lanka notes the report presented by the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health.

The loss of lives and livelihoods and impediments to economic and social development due to the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated poverty, inequality and suffering, with serious consequences on the physical and mental health of billions around the world.

Recovery from this pandemic as well as prevention of a resurgence requires equitable access to diagnostics and therapeutics including vaccines, as well as adherence to other preventive measures. Despite early calls by the UN Secretary General and world leaders for international cooperation and solidarity in the response to the pandemic and for Covid-19 products to be considered global public goods, as we speak, millions of people from developing and least developed countries have been left behind due to unequal distribution of vaccines.


47th session of the Human Rights Council: Statement delivered by Sri Lanka at the Right of Reply segment of the Interactive Dialogue on the Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Mr. Vice President,

We exercise this right of reply in response to references to Sri Lanka made by the United Kingdom and other speakers during this interactive dialogue.

The proscribed groups referred to in these interventions include organisations linked to the LTTE and other international terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda and their regional and Sri Lankan affiliates. They have been listed under the relevant domestic regulations as a part of Sri Lanka’s obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1373 which has been in operation for almost a decade. The list is based on cogent evidence. It is misleading and unwarranted to characterise action to prevent financing of terrorism and violent extremism as targeting of any particular community or as a hindrance to reconciliation.

Sri Lanka experienced the Easter Sunday suicide bombings in April 2019, which is by far the biggest terrorist attack on a civilian target to take place anywhere in the world. Measures taken by Sri Lanka to prevent recurrence of such terrorist attacks have been taken in the interest of public security and in accordance with the recommendations of the Parliamentary Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Security of 2019/2020. This was a unique national effort which had the participation of Parliamentarians of both the then government and the opposition, representing all ethnic and religious communities in the country. Sri Lanka continues to cooperate with foreign intelligence services including those of the OIC countries, to combat cross border terrorism. Some of the perpetrators of this act of terrorism have already been charged outside Sri Lanka.


Incentive Scheme on Inward Worker Remittances as per Budget Proposal 2021

The Budget 2021 has proposed an incentive scheme above the normal exchange rate for the foreign exchange remittances sent by foreign workers through all Licensed Banks registered under Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

Accordingly, the foreign currency income earned through an employment by a Sri Lankan national who is working or has worked abroad will qualify to receive additional Rs. 2 per US Dollar remitted and converted to Rupees through the formal channels of all licensed Banks.

Notice by Central Bank of Sri Lanka to all Licensed Banks


Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN


Sri Lanka Statement at the Thematic Debate Session under Agenda Item 1 of the Conference on Disarmament on 12 May 2021

Mr. President,

Since this is the first time my delegation takes the floor during your presidency, the delegation of Sri Lanka extends greetings and convey sincere good wishes for every success. The delegation of Sri Lanka assures you of its fullest support and cooperation. Our thanks are extended to the distinguished panelists for their contribution to this discussion

While we regret that the Conference fails yet again to reach consensus on a programme of work due to apparent lack of political will, we consider this thematic debate an important opportunity to reiterate our principled position on agenda item 1 on cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament. This agenda item is of particular significance given the importance of the upcoming NPT review conference.


Review of Approval Procedure to Enter Sri Lanka


Please be informed that as per the instructions received  from the Foreign Ministry, Colombo, today, 06.04.2021, the procedure for inbound travelers to Sri Lanka has been revised with immediate effect as follows :

a) The following categories of persons will be permitted to enter into Sri Lanka without prior approval of the Foreign Ministry and the Civil Aviation Authority:

            - Sri Lankans

            - Dual citizens who travel on Sri Lankan passports/Emergency Travel Documents

            - Spouse of a Sri Lankan who is a foreigner

            - Unmarried children of Sri Lankans who are foreigners

            - Sri Lankan seafarers arriving by air

b) The respective Airlines will facilitate the travel of above persons in consultation with local authorities in Sri Lanka.

c) All passengers are required to adhere to the Health Protocols/ Guidelines that are applicable at the time of arrival. Currently applicable health guideline issued by the Ministry of Health on 6th April 2021 can be accessed at

The Mission website ( will be updated in case the applicable health guidelines are revised by the Ministry of Health.

In view of the above, it is no longer necessary to obtain a prior approval from the Foreign Ministry thorough this Mission for your return to Sri Lanka for the above categories of persons.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka
Geneva, Switzerland  


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Statement by Hon. Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the OHCHR Report ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ (A/HRC/46/20) 24th February 2021

24 feb 2021 hon mfa r

Statement by Hon. Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka
Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the OHCHR Report ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ (A/HRC/46/20)

24th February 2021

Madam President,

Madam High Commissioner,


Ladies and gentlemen,

The OHCHR Report which is presented today, emanates from the Resolution 30/1 and 40/1, from which the Government of Sri Lanka announced its withdrawal of co-sponsorship, at the 43rd Session of this Council last year.

Sri Lanka rejects the High Commissioner’s Report which has unjustifiably broadened its scope and mandate further, incorporating many issues of governance and matters that are essentially domestic for any self-respecting, sovereign country. This is in complete violation of Article 2 (7) of the Charter of the UN that states: “Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state…”

The trajectory that has emerged with regard to the recommendations and conclusions reflects the preconceived, politicized and prejudicial agenda which certain elements have relentlessly pursued against Sri Lanka. These recommendations are based on ill-founded allegations.

Sri Lanka categorically rejects the conclusions and recommendations in the High Commissioner’s Report.

The call for asset freezes, travel bans, references to the ICC and the exercise of universal jurisdiction by individual States, based on evidence that up to date has been denied access to and retained by the High Commissioners Office with some of it unreleased for thirty years, particularly in relation to a country like Sri Lanka which has consistently and constructively engaged with the UN and its mechanisms, points to a distinct and eminent danger which the international community as a whole need to take note of. Such unilateral actions by certain countries are unacceptable and a violation of the principles of natural justice.


Statement by Hon Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka at the High Level Segment of the 46th Session of the UN Human Rights Council 23 February 2021, Geneva

23 feb 2021 Hon mfa high level segment r

Madam President,

Madam High Commissioner,

Distinguished Ambassadors,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  1. As I address you today, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has published a report on Sri Lanka accompanied by an unprecedented propaganda campaign on that report.
  1. Sri Lankan heroic armed forces militarily neutralized the LTTE in 2009 after three-decades of conflict. The Sri Lanka Government acted in self-defense to safeguard the unitary state, sovereignty & territorial integrity from the world’s most ruthless separatist terrorist organization.
  1. The LTTE is the only terrorist organization in the world which has killed two world leaders: a serving President of Sri Lanka and a former Prime Minister of India extending its terror beyond the borders of Sri Lanka.
  1. End of terrorism guaranteed the most cherished of all human rights - right to life of all Sri Lankans – Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslims.
  1. Nonetheless hegemonic forces colluded against Sri Lanka in bringing an unsubstantiated resolution against Sri Lanka which was defeated by the support of friendly nations who remain by Sri Lanka’s side even today. Further resolutions were presented to this Council on purely political motives. In each instance Sri Lanka presented the procedural improprieties, and how such processes could set a dangerous precedent affecting all member states of the United Nations.


Address by the Hon. State Minister of Regional Co-operation of Sri Lanka to the Conference on Disarmament, 21 February 2021

21 feb 2021 hon state minister Tharaka Balasuriya r

Mr. President,

Madam Secretary General and

Distinguished delegates,

I am pleased to join this important international forum to reiterate the importance Sri Lanka attaches to the Conference on Disarmament as the world’s sole multilateral disarmament negotiation forum. Our delegation assures you, Mr. President, of its full support and cooperation to find common grounds for fulfilling the Conference on Disarmament’s obligations towards strengthening international peace and security.

We take this opportunity to reaffirm Sri Lanka’s strong commitment and support for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Sri Lanka continues to remain concerned about the lack of progress on nuclear disarmament and the threat such weapons pose to survival of humanity.

Today, we are faced with one of the most challenging moments in human history. Like all obstacles, resolving the current crises requires renewed willingness to think and act collectively, especially to ensure the safety and security of the world we live in. The need for genuine efforts towards achieving this goal is now more important than ever.


Sri Lanka Statement at the Plenary of the Conference on Disarmament 26 January 2021



Mr President,

At the outset the delegation of Sri Lanka wishes to congratulate you on your assumption of the first Presidency of the 2021 session of the Conference on Disarmament. Our delegation assures you and other P6 Presidents of its full support and cooperation to find common grounds for fulfilling CD’s obligations towards strengthening international peace and security. We are encouraged by the approach of the six presidencies working together as a team in this regard. We also thank the Secretary General of the CD and the CD Secretariat for their support.

Sri Lanka aligns itself with the statement of G21 delivered by Indonesia.

Mr. President, our delegation notes with appreciation the package proposal presented by you on behalf of the six Presidents. We affirm our full support for your efforts to develop this package through a consultative process and reach consensus on a balanced and comprehensive programme of work with a view to resuming multilateral disarmament negotiations, which we have failed to achieve for far too long.


Revision of Electoral Registers – 2020

Certifying the Information in the NC/F format with regard to registration of voters in areas where resettlement has been partially done / not been done

Information on Sri Lankan citizens who were living in partially resettled/ non – resettled areas in Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mannar Districts in the Northern Province and are currently living overseas is being collected by the Election Commission to register their names on the Electoral Register.

Accordingly, once the persons concerned have completed the NC/F format (which can be downloaded from the link given below), please submit the same to this Permanent Mission on or before 01.02.2021.



Renewal of Driving License for Sri Lankans Living Abroad

crest name resized

Please be informed that the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Geneva will accept applications for renewal of Sri Lankan driving licenses.

Please find further information with regard to the application procedure from following link:

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN


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Statement delivered by Sri Lanka on behalf of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, at the special meeting to observe the International Day




Madam Chair,

Sri Lanka is pleased to address this Special Meeting to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as the Chair of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories.

2. This year marks the 73rd year since the passage of General Assembly Resolution 181 (ii) of 1947 and the 43rd year since the General Assembly established the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. They remain painful reminders of the unfinished task of resolving the question of Palestine. We join others in standing together on this day, united and bound by a common purpose to seek ways for a peaceful, just and equitable solution to the plight of the Palestinian people.

Madam Chair,
3. The Special Committee presented its 52nd Report, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 74/87 last month, and the report was presented to the General Assembly for adoption, on 2 December 2020.
4. The Committee had online briefings and consultations with Member States, UN agencies and civil society, and focused a portion of its report on the gendered impact, of Israeli practices and policies, on the human rights of Palestinian women and girls, and the impact of COVID-19 on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

5. The Special Committee also made 18 and 8 recommendations to the Israeli Government, and to the international community respectively, to ensure that the welfare and human rights of the Palestinian people are safeguarded.

Madam Chair,
6. The Committee remains concerned on a number of human rights issues related to the ongoing expansion of illegal Israeli settlements.

7. The Committee is dismayed that de facto annexation of Palestinian territory continues to take place with rising settlement expansion, home confiscations and demolitions, and acts of violence and human rights violations against the Palestinian People.

8. The Committee remains alarmed that Israel’s annexation plans have not been abandoned. We join the international community in continuing to underscore that any annexation would constitute a grave breach of international law, the United Nations Charter and relevant Security Council Resolutions. We remain concerned on the recent demolition and seizures in the occupied West Bank early this month including in Area C and East Jerusalem.

9. The Committee calls on Israeli authorities to cease demolitions, seizures of Palestinian property and forcible relocation of communities that are contrary to international law and jeopardize the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state.

10. We remain concerned that despite the pandemic - instances of excessive use of force, home demolitions, settler violence and night raids have continued to be reported, and in some cases even at a higher level than periods before the pandemic.

11. The Committee recalls that Israel, as the occupying power, is responsible for ensuring the right to health for Palestinians and urges Israel to take the necessary measures to ensure that Palestinians are protected from the outbreak, and have access to required medical services.
Madam Chair,

12. The blockade of Gaza enters its 14th year and the situation remains dire - more than 90% of the water is undrinkable due to water contamination, almost half of the population is unemployed and living below the poverty line, with 80% relying on humanitarian assistance.
13. The Committee calls upon the Government of Israel, to end the blockade and occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and the occupied Syrian Golan, in compliance with relevant Security Council resolutions; implementation of all UN Resolutions regarding the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, the cessation of all illegal settlement activities; desist from the illegal practice of demolitions, cease all annexation plans in the West Bank, the Jordan Valley and the occupied Syrian Golan, and to investigate cases of excessive use of force.
Madam Chair,

14. The Special Committee joins the consistent call by the international community, for a just and lasting resolution of the question of Palestine, based on the two-State solution on 1967 borders, and an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people.

15. The overwhelming solidarity with the Palestinian people demonstrates that the international community supports a negotiated settlement, for a just and peaceful solution.

16. On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, let their resilience and strength of purpose, inspire us to reinvigorate our collective efforts and commitment, to forge a lasting settlement on the Question of Palestine.

17. To this end, we reaffirm our steadfast support of their cause and uphold the rights of the Palestinian people in striving to gain their legitimate rights and aspirations towards building a future of peace, justice, security and dignity.

I thank you.

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Ambassador Chandraprema Presents Credentials in Geneva

10 Nov 2020 Ambassador chandraprema presents credentials
Ambassador C.A. Chandraprema presented credentials on 10th November 2020 to Madam Tatiana Valovaya, the Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, at the Palais des Nations accrediting him as the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva.

Welcoming the new Permanent Representative, Director General Madam Valovaya apprised him of the diverse areas in which her Office remained engaged in Geneva and highlighted the integrated SDG Lab, a multi stakeholder initiative that contributes to implementation of SDGs and International Gender Champions Initiative in Geneva. Ambassador Chandraprema explained that Sri Lanka continues to implement a number of initiatives on SDGs in Sri Lanka and that he looks forward to engaging with SDG Lab.


The Eighteenth Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction


The Eighteenth Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction

Agenda Item: 7. General exchange of views (continued)

Mr. President,

At the outset I would like to commend the excellent manner in which you lead the work of the Convention and to appreciate your team for facilitating this meeting despite the extraordinary circumstances.

Sri Lanka will be pleased to join the Article 5 Implementation Committee exemplifying Sri Lanka’s strong commitment to advancing as well as contributing to the universal realisation of the salutary objectives of the Convention.


Statement delivered by Sri Lanka at the International Dialogue on Migration during the Panel 2 on "Protection of vulnerable migrants during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis" on 15th October 2020 at International Conference Centre, Geneva (CICG)

15 oct 2020 iom idm

International Dialogue on Migration – 2020
Panel 2: Protection of vulnerable migrants during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
Statement by Sri Lanka

15 October 2020

 Mr Antonio Vittorino, DG/IOM

Excellencies and Colleagues

The focus of this panel on the protection of vulnerable migrants during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic is not only timely but a present necessity. It is our hope that this discussion will lead to a better understanding of the issues, challenges and gaps in providing protection and assistance to this group, and result in stronger cooperation between Governments and other stakeholders in the development of policies, practises and networks ensuring greater assistance and protection for vulnerable migrants during the present pandemic and beyond.

Migrant workers comprise 3.5% of the world’s population and are a crucial part of the global workforce. The contribution of migrant workers to economic growth and development has become critical not only for the countries of origin, but also for upward socioeconomic mobility in the region and internationally.


Statement by Sri Lanka during the panel discussion on "The role of the state and public policies to address poverty and inequalities" at the UN Human Rights Council's Social Forum 2020

09 oct 2020 Social forum human rights council
UN Human Rights Council Social Forum 2020

The role of the state and public policies to address poverty and inequalities

09 October 2020

Statement by Sri Lanka

 Mr. Co-Chair, 

At the outset, Sri Lanka wishes to congratulate the distinguished Permanent Representatives of Azerbaijan and Mongolia who serve as co-chair rapporteurs of the 2020 Social Forum, an annual engagement of this Council to which my country attaches great importance.

As a country whose post-independence national policies have been premised exclusively on the wellbeing of its people, the role of the state and the public policies of Sri Lanka have for long years been oriented in the trajectory of addressing poverty and inequalities among its population.


Statement by Sri Lanka at the General Debate of the 71st Annual Session of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR programme

7 oct 2020 Excom UNHRC
Statement by Sri Lanka at the General Debate of the 71st Annual Session of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) programme

Mr. Chairperson,

High Commissioner Mr. Filippo Grandi,

Excellencies, Distinguished delegates,

Sri Lanka takes this opportunity to congratulate you and the Bureau for the excellent manner in which you have steered the work of the Executive Committee since assumption of Office in 2019.

We appreciate the presentation by the High Commissioner and his important remarks on the on how the Global Compact on Refugees has enabled the response to both new and protracted refugee crises, as well as to the COVID-19 emergency. We value his efforts and those of his dedicated staff for their continuous efforts to assist and improve the well-being of over 79.5 million displaced persons worldwide with a view to ensuring sustainable solutions for their concerns. Unfortunately, as per the global trends, the numbers keep on rising, while possibilities for durable solutions become complicated by the day.


Statement by Sri Lanka at the ID with the Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights on the report of the Secretary-General on co-operation with the UN its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights during the 45th session of the UN HRC

30 sep 2020 HRC 45 r

45th Session of the Human Rights Council

Item 5: Interactive dialogue with the Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights on the report of the Secretary-General on co-operation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights

30 September 2020

 Statement by Sri Lanka

Madam President,

The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) wishes to make the following observations with regard to the reference contained in the Annual Report of the Secretary-General on "Cooperation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights", presented to this Council:

With regard to alleged “intimidating visits”, “surveillance”, complaints of harassment” and “reprisals” referred to in the Report, the GoSL wishes to make an invitation to the parties concerned to make formal complaints to law enforcement authorities or to independent national institutions such as the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka or the National Police Commission, so that action can be taken to investigate the alleged incidents.

The Government has already publicly refuted these allegations, and is committed to protecting and promoting freedom of expression and civil society space, and ensure that complaints received on alleged attacks against journalists, human rights defenders and civil society are investigated and prosecuted.

It is also reiterated that, apart from operating routine security networks in the interest of national security, particularly after the devastating Easter Sunday terrorist attacks, the Security Forces and intelligence agencies are not engaged in monitoring any specific group of people in the country.

We believe that, for any country compromising its national security interests amidst looming sophistication of strategies of radical and extreme elements world around, is bound to face regrettable consequences. Hence, the GoSL requests all parties to be mindful of that ground reality in this context.


45th Session of the Human Rights Council – Statement by GoSL – Item 7 General Debate

30 sep 2020 palestine statement
45th Session of the Human Rights Council

Item 7: General Debate on the human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories, during the 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council

30 September 2020

 Statement by Sri Lanka

Madam President,

Sri Lanka aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Non Aligned Movement.

Sri Lanka’s long held principled position on this matter has been clear. We recognize the legitimate and inalienable right of the people of Palestine to statehood and to the natural resources in their territory. Any form of annexation, irrespective of its size, would constitute a violation of international law, jeopardize prospects for a peaceful settlement to the issue and cause destabilization of peace and security in the Middle East region.

Recent UN reports, including by the Secretary General, have indicated continued human rights violations of the Palestinian people in the OPT. We therefore urge Israel to abandon completely its annexation plans as well as similar activities, and respect the rights of the Palestinian people to fundamental freedoms and security. We echo the expectation of the Secretary General that the recent agreement would lead to an opportunity for re-engagement for constructive and meaningful negotiations to resolve conflict in line with the two-state solution based on relevant UN resolutions and international law.


Statements by Sri Lanka at the Meeting of the Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the areas of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems during 21-25 September 2020

Statements Delivered by Sri Lanka at the Meeting of the Group of Governmental Experts (GCE) on Emerging Technologies in the areas of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) held in Geneva on from 21-25 September 2020.


Agenda Item : 5(a) An exploration of the potential challenges posed by emerging technologies in the area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems to International Humanitarian Law;

Mr. Chair,

Excellencies, Distinguished participants,

At the outset, Sri Lanka would like to congratulate you on your assumption of the Chair of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS). We also take this opportunity to appreciate the former Chair of the GGE on LAWS Ambassador Kārkliņš, for his commitment and efforts to continue the momentum. Let me assure you Mr. Chair, of the support of our delegation to the continuation of substantive deliberations in the GGE on LAWS during this year and in 2021.

It is unfortunate that the unexpected circumstances during this year as well as the difficulty to reach consensus on key aspects of the GGE have led to a lack of substantive progress that many of us would have expected to achieve.


Statement by Sri Lanka during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non- recurrence at the 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council

17 09 2020 HRC 45 r

45th Session of the Human Rights Council
Agenda Item 3:
Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of
truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non- recurrence

17 September 2020

 Madam President,

As this Council is aware, in November last year, the people of Sri Lanka gave a resounding mandate to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to pursue a policy framework aimed at achieving the fourfold outcome of “a productive citizenry, a contented family, a disciplined and just society and a prosperous nation.”

The people of Sri Lanka gave a second mandate at the General Election held last month, with an unprecedented percentage of 59.09%, for the first time in the history in an election held under the Proportional Representation System. This is a re-endorsement of the first mandate and a clear signal of their support for a path forward for the country, towards prosperity while safeguarding the people and protecting the sovereignty of the country without succumbing to any force.

At a time when even the most powerful countries in the world were left helpless in the wake of COVID – 19 pandemic, Sri Lanka was able to successfully face the challenge by containing the spread of COVID-19, thanks to a well-coordinated mechanism of preventive measures at the national level assisted by a robust local healthcare system.


Statement by Sri Lanka during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to development at the 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

16 sep 2020 right to dev
45th Session of the Human Rights Council

Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to development

16 September 2020

Statement by Sri Lanka

Madam President, 

Sri Lanka thanks the Special Rapporteur (SR) on the Right to Development for his thematic report (A/HRC/45/15) on “financing for development”. We appreciate the activities undertaken by him during the past year in furtherance of the mandate.

The current report of the SR is being presented to this Council at a time when the world continues to grapple with an unprecedented global crisis in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, which, in addition to challenging the health and safety of millions, has threatened to stymie if not reverse many hard-earned gains of developing countries in delivering on the 2030 sustainable development agenda. In this regard, we welcome the SR’s call to governments and international financial institutions, in April 2020, to remain true to their commitment under the 2030 agenda and to the promise “to leave no one behind” in their response to the COVID crisis. We echo the SR’s grave concerns regarding the profound impact that the pandemic will have on financing for development, and look forward to his report to the General Assembly which would examine the effects of the pandemic from the perspective the right to development.


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