Sri Lanka Permanent Mission Participates in the Annual UN Women’s Guild Charity Bazaar

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World renowned Ceylon Tea along with Ceylon Cinnamon based products and Sri Lanka's famed precious stones attracted a large number of visitors to the National Stall set by the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva at the United Nations Women’s Guild Bazaar on Tuesday, 20 November 2018. The Sri Lankan Food Stall run by the family members of the Mission's staff was a hot attraction providing the visitors opportunity to taste the famous Sri Lankan rice and curry.  

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Organized by the United Nations Women’s Guild and Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations in Geneva, over the years the UNWG Bazaar has become a premier event in the UN calendar, with more than 150 countries' national stalls attracting close upon 6,000 visitors from all over Switzerland and neighboring cities. In addition to promoting and displaying cultural diversity of the membership of the United Nations, thus bringing them all on a unifying platform, the event provides a unique opportunity each year, for the visitors to buy handmade products and souvenirs from different countries and to experiment cuisines from around the world.  

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Proceeds from the Permanent Mission’s National Stall are donated to the UN Women’s Guild which supports charity projects for disadvantaged children around the world annually.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka


21 November 2018