G-15 calls for fresh impetus for early conclusion of the DDA with a “development” -oriented outcome

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Minister Industry-dec2013

The G-15, a Summit level Group of 17 developing countries currently chaired by Sri Lanka, in a Joint Statement  at the WTO’s 9th Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia on Thursday (5 December), called "for a fresh impetus for an early conclusion of the DDA with a development-oriented outcome and also emphasizes the importance of the accession to WTO by developing countries, particularly the LDCs".

Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka Rishad Bathiudeen made this observation, when he addressed the the 9th Ministerial held from 3 – 6 December. The Conference was attended by all 159 Member countries of the WTO and a large number of think-tanks, donor agencies, NGOs and civil society groups.

The G-15, comprises 17 member States - Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. 


Read Full Statement